Monday, September 7, 2009


Imagine Your Life Without Fear
Author: Max Lucado
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Hardcover: 224pp
Spiritual Growth & Christian Thought

"Don't be afraid" Jesus said this one statement more than any other. Why? Jesus didn't mean for us to live our lives in fear but in peace and in faith. No one is immune to fear. We are faced with it every day. We fear we will lose our jobs or family. We worry about the economy and world affairs. Imagine living a life without fear. We can if we accept Jesus' invitation to courage. Fear can be a thing of the past if we only have faith and trust in Jesus. Through personal stories and scripture Mr. Lucado shows us how a life without fear is within our reach. How? Listen to Jesus and "Don't be afraid."

Fearless living! What a concept. I personally can relate to living a life in fear. I've been scared just about my whole life, or at least as long as I can remember. So when I was given this opportunity to review a book on living a life without fear I jumped at it. It all seems so simple. Just listen to Jesus and "Don't be afraid."

I found this book to be very insightful, encouraging and even humorous at times. I liked that Mr. Lucado addressed everyday common fears that most of us experience or think about such as loss of job, family, the economy, our health, world affairs and disappointing God. Although I read my bible, I honestly didn't realize that a life without fear was possible. I really enjoyed reading this book. I found it to be a quick easy read and one that I wish was a little longer.

Some of the chapters included are:
Why Are We Afraid?
God's Ticked Off at Me (Fear of Disappointing God)
My Child Is in Danger (Fear of Not Protecting my Kids)
I'm Sinking Fast (Fear of Overwhelming Challenges)
Make-Believe Money (Fear of the Coming Winter)
Scared to Death (Fear of Life's Final Moments)
Plus more

Also included is a discussion guide for those wishing to gain a better grasp of the ideas and principles presented in this book. Each lesson is divided into three parts: Examining Fear, Exposing Fear and Battling Fear.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone wishing to live a life free from fear. I'm pleased to be adding Fearless to my library.

Resources for Fearless

Q&A with Max Lucado

60 second commercial

Happy reading,


  1. Just the simple verse, "Do not be afraid." has me feeling inspired. I may not read the book, but you review it wonderfully.

    I've been scared my whole life, too. I keep giving it to God, then finding it in my lap once again somehow.

    I'm going to continue following His directions, "Do not be afraid."

  2. Hi Joelle,

    I know what you mean. I try to remember the verse too. I imagine the day when I won't be afraid and it gives me hope. Something to look forward too. Hang in there. That life without fear is closer than you or I think. I know it is.



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